30 ways to save money on food

30 ways to save money on food

Eating healthy food doesn’t have to cost a bomb! How much do you spend on food each week? Is it a never-ending chore that you resent? I’ll let you in on a very sad secret; supermarket shopping is one of the highlights of my week. Sad, I know! But I love to...
Mums need hugs

Mums need hugs

The other day I had a visit to our studio by a mum of 3 teenage kids. She looked tired: tired of being unfit; tired of puffing when doing the daily chores, let alone climbing up a set of stairs. She told me she had tried all the usual diets, plus a few other extreme...
Three weeks eating our way around Europe

Three weeks eating our way around Europe

  We started planning 3 weeks travelling in Europe. How was I going to manage eating 6 meals a day while in a country where I couldn’t read the menu? I can remember the first time I went away for a weekend after starting Metabolic Precision. I was...


Are you frustrated?   Do you keep wanting the same thing, but can never seem to get there? It is SO frustrating! When I sit down with new clients, we chat about where they have come from, what they are wanting to achieve, and why they think they haven’t...