NDIS Disability Support Work

Making a difference in the lives of others.
Our passion lies in creating a fun environment for people with disability to enjoy the outdoors, physical activity and community participation. You certainly won’t find us taking clients out for coffee and cake! But you will see us out and about with our clients, encouraging them to participate in our fabulous community of Portland and surrounds.
QUALIFICATIONS: Both Steve & I have Cert 4 in Disability as well at Cert 4 in Personal Training. Our Level 2 First Aid is always up to date and we both have Working with Children and Police Checks. We are a dynamic duo who can offer a range of skills and support. Steve has a quiet demeanor, gently encouraging and supporting his clients. Carrie has a “go-get-em” attitude and will organise, inspire and enable her clients to chase their dreams.
SERVICES: Assist clients who require strength gains, balance, coordination, confidence, improvements to gait, fitness, weight management and general health and well-being. Apart from this, there is a fabulous bonus of community integration, life-skills and access.
WHY: We love the smiles on the faces of our clients when they achieve something they didn’t think was possible. Something as simple as jumping with two feet together at the same time, riding a 3-wheel bike or stepping over a large obstacle. They arrive looking reserved and unsure of themselves, and leave full of energy with a huge smile on their faces! One teen with ASD had never done any form of exercise training before and said she “felt energised!” Another commented “I’ve been missing our time on the paddleboard”. Just recently “where has this Thermomix been all my life?”
ACTIVITIES: Bushwalking, Stand up Paddle boarding, beach combing, shopping & cooking (independence skills at home – I have a Thermomix!), visiting local tourist attractions, sessions in our private gym studio, swimming or boogie boarding at the beach, pool sessions, Artwork – I am no artist, but I enjoy trying to be creative. Adult colouring books, kids activity books, scrap-booking, happy to give it all a try. Racquetball or squash ( I am a level 1 coach), board games – bingo, snakes and ladders, who am I? Going for a drive in Steve’s Torana (if he is home and able to) Vroom, Vroom! Walk with Gracie (our friendly dog), Snorkelling (I have a spare adult and child set of mask and snorkel) BYO if you have them, play on the swings at the foreshore/Lagoon exercise station, bike riding or any other activity that is of interest to the client.
The best part about working as sole traders directly with families, is there is always an open line of communication. We are here to help others achieve THEIR goals and happy to assist in any way.
Sometimes I get a tear in my eye when I look at photos I have taken of our awesome group – I know I am doing this for the right reason and their lives are enriched; but so are ours! Consistency will always be the winner.