Personal Transformations in our private studio

FIRE - Focused Intense Resistance Exercise
FIRE up your metabolism and learn the only non-surgical way to change your body shape.

ICE - Intense Cardio Exercise
Endless hours on the treadmill to shed FAT are over!
Get fit. Burn Fat. Efficient & effective.

Metabolic Nutrition Course
Fast, nutritious & delicious food to help you build a fat burning machine. Changing habits for LIFE.

NDIS Support work
Fun with Steve & Carrie – physical activities & life skills.

Hi! I’m Carrie
Personal Trainer, Transformation, Nutrition & Well-being Coach and Disability Support worker.
But more importantly I am super passionate about assisting you to become the healthiest version of YOU. I have lived in the Portland community for all of my life and love helping our members be active contributors.
PT@home aims to make you feel comfortable exercising in a supportive and encouraging environment. We are a small studio so can pay attention to your specific needs and requirements.
This was highlighted when we won the “Glenelg Shire Council Inclusive Business Award” in 2019.
After gaining valuable experience in commercial gyms in both Portland and Bendigo, I began to realise that some of the people who really needed to include exercise as part of their lifestyle were being scared away. Crowded rooms, intimidating equipment, mirrors, doof-doof music and lycra were not very inviting if you had no experience with exercise, were either under or overweight, and had poor self-image.
My dream of helping that exact demographic became a reality when Pt@home was established in 2008 in a spare bedroom in my hometown of Portland. What started with some borrowed equipment and a fitball, has grown to a fabulous private studio located in the heart of Portland overlooking Fawthrop Lagoon. Nature’s gymnasium is also utilised as much as possible by training outdoors for the group ICE SESSIONS and disability support programs.
My Passions
This is a Lifestyle - there are no finish lines.
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Consistency will always be the winner. We certainly don’t encourage quick fixes, 7-day detoxes or massive food reduction or elimination. We teach sustainable and healthy ways to make lifestyle changes.
Food, Food, glorious Food!
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Helping you reach your health & nutrition goals
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Where to begin?
Don’t wait for a Monday to make changes.
Start NOW!
Grab an exercise book and write down everything you eat for the day – every lick, sniff and bite!
Do it for a whole week. See if there is a pattern.
Only then can you begin to see what habits you have that are centred around food.
Don’t pretend you can do it on your own – or you would have already done it a long time ago.
I don't know where to begin?!
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How do I set realistic goals?
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Step #1 Narrow your focus – don’t set a whole bunch of ambiguous goals.
Step #2 – Chose goals that are meaningful to YOU. Don’t be a people pleaser and chose a goal that someone else thinks you should do.
Step #3 – Be specific & define what success looks like for you. If you don’t really know what you want, you won’t know when you get there.
Step #4 – Keep your goals top of your mind. Figure out a way that this will work for you. Write it on a whiteboard where you will see it all the time, save it as your facebook profile – something that works for you.
Injury rehabilitation
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We have an awesome class each Tuesday at 9.30am where we work on movement patterns, flexibility and strength. It doesn’t matter if you have had a hip or knee replacement, heart condition, MS, joint problems or Parkinson’s disease.
How reducing your stress can help you lose weight
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Finding a wing-man can help you stay on track
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Daily journaling to record habits
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Where do I begin? It doesn’t really matter, but I find having a specific exercise book to record your thoughts, ideas and observations is a good start.
Does it have to be done daily? Not really – just do it regularly and find what ever works for you. I simply leave my journal on the end of the dining room table and find that when I am seated and eating meals at different times during the day, it is just there for me to jot anything down that comes into my head. It stops me from thinking about things at 2am!
Staying on track
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1. Plan your week. I am someone who loves structure – I love a good plan, a checklist or anything that I can tick off. Once it is written down it is set in stone and it is definitely going to happen. I start by scheduling in things that I value the most like exercising, work commitments and food prep. Once they are in my schedule I begin to put in the tougher things such as doing my tax, invoicing and housework! When I see everything written down it makes it easier for me to plan my day around the activities. I tend to try and do all the tough stuff earlier in the week and by Friday I hope to have some extra time set-aside for doing fun stuff.
2. Accountability is the key. This is for both myself and what I tell our clients. It doesn’t matter what it is you’re trying to achieve, linking accountability with somebody will always give you better results. This could be something as simple as doing your meal prep, going for daily walks, your workouts, cleaning out your closet! Find a friend (or a fabulous personal trainer) to help you out.
3. Have a vision – I have a huge vision of encouraging our community to live a healthy life that can be sustained through good nutrition and regular exercise. This vision mean so much to me and I am so passionate about it that it keeps me focused on a daily basis. What are you passionate about? What is it that brings a smile to your face? Once you discover what that is everything seems to fall into place.
Surrounding yourself with positive minded people
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What is self care?
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Self-care is a term that is often bandied about by influencers, celebrities or companies trying to sell you expensive creams and spa treatments, but it really just means looking after yourself.
This can be done via the following steps:
– Find a routine with boundaries between home and work life
– Make sure you’re eating healthy food
– Move your body
– Priorotise sleep
– Connect & communicate with others
– Share the load
– Try new things and be open to change
My Approach & Values
What makes PT@home different from any other pt studio? Well, we are a community that thrives off each other and offers support and guidance with both exercise and nutrition. We don’t just push you to do one more rep. We make sure your technique is spot-on and you are working towards repairing any problems with your posture or injury problem. As a Level 4 MP-Body Trainer, I keep up-to-date with the latest research and programs in training for fitness and fat loss, as well as advanced services such as Life Coaching, Kinesiology, functional and power training. I am also a Transformation Specialist running nutrition programs aimed at changing lifestyle habits that will see entire families benefit. As the only Level 4 MP Transformation Specialist between Adelaide, Ballarat and Geelong means your entire exercise and nutrition needs are catered for through the holistic package or various programs.
“We don’t just write you a program and leave you to try and figure out what to do next. We hold your hand and guide you along the way.” Your individual needs are taken into account and catered for.
Welcome to our “family”.